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 海底完井 添加此单词到默认生词本
subsea-completed well

  1. 顶部张紧立管(TTR)是用于连接运动的浮式生产设施和海床上的海底系统的管道,顶部张紧立管可用于钻完井及生产。
    Top tension risers (TTRs) are used as the conduits between dynamic floating production units and subsea systems on the sea floor, for drill, complete or production facilities.
  2. 在自喷上面、装有阀门、节流器和压力表的位于陆上的一种采油树,或者位于海底的干式完井的一种采油树。
    A type of Christmas tree that contains valves, chokes, and gauges over a flowing well on land or on a dry completion on the seafloor. Dry trees are less common than wet trees on sea completions.

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