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 泥裂 [ní liè添加此单词到默认生词本
desiccation crack

  1. 沉积岩的构造:层理、交错层理和波痕。
    Structure of sedimentary rocks: bedding, cross bedding, mud cracks and ripples.
  2. 根据其中的叠层石和无明显构造,推测为潮间带-局限潮下带沉积环境。
    With stromatolite but no desiccation crack, the depositional environment of Middle-Late Cambrian in the area was intertidal zone to subtidal zone with the shallow-water features.
  3. 两剖面复成分砾岩杂色沉积、、石膏层等为该区可能存在的干旱气候提供了依据。
    The occurrence of variegated polymictic conglomerate sediment, mud cracks, gypsum strata and so on can provide evidences for aridity climate in Western Liaoning.

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