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 正则域 添加此单词到默认生词本
regular domain

  1. 虽然其中的代码不是着重于从ResourceBundle提取正则表达式,但是它的确包含了一个扩展格式化文本的默认行为的好例子。
    Although the code doesn't focus on extracting regular expressions from a ResourceBundle, it does include a good example of extending the default behavior of the formatted text field.
  2. 在传统的空间正则化图像复原或超分辨率图像复原方法中,是用向量2-范数度量数据逼近项和正则项。
    In traditional approach, people use l_2 -norm to measure data approximation item and regularization item in regularized image restoration and super-restoration in spatial domain.
  3. 采用频正则化求逆和小波维纳滤波去噪的方法对已知线性降晰模型的含噪图像进行图像复原。
    Image is restored which is blurred by the known linear model and noise, with the method of frequency-domain regularized inversion and wavelet-domain wiener filter denoising.

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