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 正侧位片 添加此单词到默认生词本
anterioposterior and lateral film

  1. 方法对90例老年患者进行胸(腰)椎的正侧位X摄,并进行分析。
    Methods Analyse the spine radiograph of 90 aged patients with osteoporosis i.
  2. 目的了解广东省腰椎侧位片受检者的受照剂量水平。
    Objective To realize the level of radiation dose of X-ray film to L-Spine PA & LAT in Guangdong province.
  3. 方法:收集632例胸腰椎骨折患者的术前X线正侧位片和CT或MRI的椎体横断扫描,归纳总结出每一类型骨折影像学的特点。
    Methods:To sum up the image characters according to the exhibition of X-ray and CT or MRI from 632 suffers of thoracolumbar vertebral injuries.

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