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 欧拉角 添加此单词到默认生词本
euler angle
[物] eulerian angles

  1. 这里欧拉角可以用来表示任意大的转动。
    The Euler angles could be expressed with arbitrarily large rotations.
  2. 通过四元数法和欧拉角法描述飞行器姿态,并建立相应的运动学方程。
    The attitudes of vehicle are described by both quaternion and Euler angles, and two kinds of motion equations are established accordingly.
  3. 以描述截面姿态的欧拉角为变量,建立受约束弹性杆的平衡方程。
    The differential equations of equilibrium of the constrained rod are established taking Euler angles as variables to describe the attitude of the cross section.

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