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 横倾角 添加此单词到默认生词本
angle of bank
[航] heeling angle

  1. 同时说明主销后倾角摆角速度超调量有阻尼作用。
    This also indicates some damping nature of caster angle with respect to yaw rate overshoot.
  2. 其次对船舶在静水中大倾角稳性力臂问题进行了研究,提出了一种新的计算方法。
    Secondly, a new method of calculation is presented to obtain the large angle transverse stability arm of ship in still water.
  3. 设计变量直接取吃水、横倾角和纵倾角,不必预先计算倾角的正切值,使用方便。
    Using the mean draft, heel angle and trim angle as the design variables, it need not calculate tangent values of the angles and is more convenient for application.

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