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 树脂细胞 [shù zhī xì bāo添加此单词到默认生词本
resin cell

  1. 树脂通常隐藏在特定的细胞中,这些细胞形成长的树脂道或树脂管。
    They are usually secreted by special cells into long resin ducts or canals.
  2. 所有燃料,水和废物坦克制成的玻璃纤维由熟练的斯堪的纳维亚技术员使用树脂灌注过程中产生持久,强烈的细胞,同时节省了重量。 Each tank is designed to mirror the hull bottom to maximize draw and is fiberglassed in place becoming an integral part of the boat for additional strength.每个罐体是设计来一面镜子,船体底部,以最大限度地借鉴和fiberglassed是在地方,成为不可分割的一部分船民额外的力量。 Deep placement also enhances and helps maintain the boat’s center of gravity.深就业,也有利于提高和保持船的重心。
    All fuel, water and waste tanks are made of fiberglass by skilled Viking technicians using a resin infusion process to produce durable, strong cells while saving weight.
  3. 结果表明:气生不定根具有以下结构特征和发育特点:(1)根为二原型,侧根正对着木质部发生;(2)幼根内皮层细胞具凯氏带加厚,维管柱内紧挨中柱鞘内侧具有2~4层大型薄壁细胞;(2)根中无髓和树脂道;(4)次生结构发生于根毛区,维管形成层由初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞转化形成;(5)中柱鞘和栓内层细胞富含单宁类物质;(6)次生韧皮部有石细胞,次生木质部射线发达。
    We have observed the following characteristics of anatomical structure and development: (1) The primary roots belong to archetype and the lateral roots occur in the position toward the xylem of the vascular cylinder; (2) The root endodermis consists of thicken casparian strips, and there are from two lo four layers parenchyma cells near the pericycle; (3) the pith and resins canals are absent in the toots; (4) Secondary structure occurs in the root hair zone, and vascular cambium is formed from the parenchyma cells between the primary xylem and primary phloem; (5) Tanning materials are abundant in pericycle cells and phelloderm cells; (6) Sclereids are found in secondary phloem, and rays are rather rich in secondary xylem.

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