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 柯尔克孜族 [kē ěr kè zī zú添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 在现代新疆社会中,柯尔克孜族受众通过接触大众传媒,及时把握了社会环境的变化。
    In modern Xinjiang, Kirghiz audience understands in time the changes of the society through mass media.
  2. 这也助长了吉吉斯斯坦政治中种沙文主义的火焰,其中柯尔克孜族占总人口5500万中的70%。
    It also underlined growing ethnic chauvinism in the politics of Kyrgyzstan, where ethnic Kyrgyz make up almost 70% of the 5.5m population.
  3. 本月早些时候,柯尔克孜族与乌兹别在吉吉斯斯坦南部城市奥什爆发军事冲突,临时政府请求俄罗斯出兵干预,里姆林宫方面回绝了。
    When, earlier this month, the Kyrgyz clashed with the Uzbek minority in the southern Kyrgyzstani city of Osh and the interim government appealed to Russia for military help, the Kremlin stood back.

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