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 有关因数 添加此单词到默认生词本
pertinency factor

  1. 以及液体中超声波频谱都与那些因数有关
    Which factors do the frequency spectrum of ultrasound have relation with ?
  2. 说明压电晶体的特性和与压电晶体的共振频率有关因数,以及脉波-波法的过程。
    Explain the characteristics of piezoelectric crystals and the factors relating to the resonant frequencies of a piezoelectric crystal, and the procedure of the pulse-echo method.
  3. 在弹性理论的基础上 ,利用钢板剥离正应力计算公式 ,对在集中荷载或均布荷载作用下采用粘钢加固的混凝土梁 ,分析影响钢板最大剥离正应力的有关因数
    Based on the linear elastic theory, this paper presents a method for calculating the peeling stress at the sheeting end of a RC beam with a strengthening sheeting under linear distributed loads.

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