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  1. 球探勘者号以靠近月表七公里的距离沿低轨道运行,无线电追踪球探勘者号的轨迹显示,部份最年轻的撞击盆地上,其重力高于预期。
    Radio tracking of the trajectory of Lunar Prospector, which traveled in a low orbit that came as close as seven kilometers to the lunar surface, showed stronger than expected gravity above some of the youngest impact basins.
  2. 虽然科学家还没有完全解释此问题,但是这种极端现象最可能的原因是近地面的球地壳较薄,因此上升的岩浆比在远地面更容易到达并冲破月表
    Although scientists have not definitively resolved this problem, the most likely reason for the dichotomy is that the crust on the near side is relatively thinner, and therefore ascending magmas can reach and break through the surface more easily there than on the far side.
  3. 配备地质探测装置的镖状物,将以时速400英里射进陨石坑、穿透月表6英尺,以传送球可能的地层活动,及球核心的组成成份和温度的相关资讯。
    The darts, which carry geologically-sensitive equipment, would be shot into craters at 400mph, penetrating to a depth of 6ft, sending back information about possible "moonquakes" and the composition and temperature of the moon's core.

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