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 昼夜节律 添加此单词到默认生词本
[生理] circadian rhythms
diel rhythm
[生理] diurnal rhythm
[农][气象] day-night rhythm

  1. 缺乏光照有可能破坏你的醒睡周期和昼夜节律,还可能改变一种叫血清素的脑化学物质进而影响情绪。
    Lack of light may upset your sleep-wake cycle and other circadian rhythms. And it may cause problems with a brain chemical called serotonin that affects mood.
  2. 泰拉恰诺和他的团队表明,这可能是最振奋人心的发现。 因为生理节奏基因广为人知的是影响人的昼夜节律,睡眠,还有就是情绪失调。
    This was perhaps the most interesting finding, Terracciano and his group indicated, because the CLOCK gene is known to influence circadian rhythms and has been coupled with sleep and mood disorders.
  3. 研究者表明,这是由于我们的自然睡眠-觉醒周期或者昼夜节律的影响。
    This could be due to the effects of our natural sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, the researchers suggest.

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