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 日本扁柏 [rì běn biǎn bǎi添加此单词到默认生词本
hinoki cypress

  1. 日本扁柏是各种类源于日本的柏树。
    Hinoki is a variety of cypress that is native to Japan.
  2. 计6种﹐分布于北美、日本及台湾﹐台湾扁柏生长于中北部山区。
    6 species in North America, Japan and Formosa. Taiwan hinoki growing in north central Formosa.
  3. 其木制、香膏质和芳香的味调,日本扁柏在许多男性或女性精细香水中用作基础调。
    With its woodsy , balsamic notes and aromatic accents, Hinoki is used as a base note in many fine fragrances both for men and for women.

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