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 日常检修 添加此单词到默认生词本
maintenance repair

  1. 检修日常管理等方面提出了改进建议。
    Some corresponding proposals are presented from the aspects of examination, repair and daily maintenance, etc.
  2. 日常维护检修中发现要进行改良的项目以及合理化建议,并及时向管理信息系统提供信息。
    Provide timely input to the management information system about items that need improvement and optimization proposals which were found during daily examination and maintenance.
  3. 运用机车检测、检修日常基础信息对机车及部件寿命、质量进行综合分析。
    According to the system architecture, locomotive life-span and maintenance quality information can be comprehensively analyzed based on locomotive maintenance and daily information.

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