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 旋动脉 [xuán dòng mài添加此单词到默认生词本
circumflex artery

  1. 显露股骨近端四分之一段时可见股外侧动脉分支,而在远端四分之一可见膝上外侧动脉;这些血管可被钳夹、切断和结扎,而不会造成损害。
    A branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery is encountered when exposing the proximal fourth of the femur and the superior lateral genicular artery in the distal fourth; these may be clamped, divided, and ligated without harm.
  2. 此病人或许是第一个以64切电脑断层诊断出为左侧冠状动脉枝先天性闭锁的案例。
    She may be the first case of congenital LCX atresia proved by multislice CT.
  3. 先天性左侧冠状动脉枝缺乏是非常罕见的疾病,在先前的文献中,实行冠状动脉导管检查病人中的发生率约为十万分之三。
    Congenital absence of left circumflex coronary artery (LCX) is a very rare vascular anomaly, and few cases have been reported in the literature, with a frequency of only 0.003% in all patients who underwent coronary angiography.

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