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 旅游地理学 添加此单词到默认生词本
geography of tourism
tourist geography

  1. 旅游客流空间特性是旅游地理学重要研究内容之一。
    Spatial characteristics of tourism flow is one of the most important contents in tourism geography.
  2. 本文在对近年来国内、外公开发表的500余篇旅游类文章调查的基础上,对现代旅游地理学的研究进展做了初步分析。
    This article was foundation ed on investigation 500 vending tourism geography thesis in recent years and making initial researched on evolving of the modernly tourism industry.
  3. 旅游地理学和历史地理学的角度,研究了中国旅游这一宏观社会历史现象。
    This paper studied the tourism development in China, which is a macroscopic social and historical phenomenon, from the point of view of tourism geography and historical geography.

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