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 斗酒百篇 [dǒu jiǔ bǎi piān添加此单词到默认生词本
great capacity for drinking and poetry

  1. 杜甫诗中“李白,长安市上家眠”所言之即指此
    Du Fu’s poetry, “Li Bai’s poems Doujiu 100, Chang’an City hundreds of sleep,” said the wine refers to the wine.
  2. 回答无疑是肯定的。因为:自古诗人多饮,李白,杜甫量不在李白之下。
    Lu was born in the early years of the Southern Song when the country was being invaded by the enemies from the north.
  3. 这是在写完那400多字的英文表白信后,发现人喝多了竟然有这么大潜力。今天,一点也没喝,憋了一个小时,就写了这么几个字,看来李白,果不其然!!
    every day, i do the same thing, no feeling, for scaring to think about what i really want to do. devil live in my heart , stay with angel, so i say:i live in the intervals.

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