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 数量型 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] scalar type

  1. 他们反映了粗放型和数量型的经济增长模式。
    They reflect the very crude and quantitative mode of economic growth.
  2. 数量型基金并不是唯一有可能受益于美国政府调查的对冲基金。
    But quant-based funds are not the only hedge funds that are positioned to potentially benefit from this investigation.
  3. 中国缺乏纪律约束的国有企业借款人大量存在,以及中国对数量型宏观信贷措施的依赖,这些独特国情使中国必须让资金流集中在银行体系中。
    China's unique prevalence of undisciplined state-owned borrowers and reliance on quantitative macro-credit measures makes it imperative to keep financial flows concentrated in the banking system.

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