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 搭架 添加此单词到默认生词本
put up

  1. 他们缺搭葡萄架的杆儿,没有杆搭架子,葡萄产量就会减少一半。
    They were short of sticks to make frames for the climbing vines, without which the yield would be halved.
  2. 然后,写下有助于实现此目标的每一件事情,或许你需要买一些纸板箱或搭架子的材料,或许请求几个朋友帮忙。
    Then,write down everything that you would do to help you accomplish your goal.Perhaps you need to get cardboard boxes,buy shelving materials,or solicit10 the help of a few friends.
  3. 大学外语部的全体教职员工秉承“一切为了学生”的宗旨,除了不断加大科研力度外,凭借强大的师资力量和丰富的教学经验,竭诚为学生提供所有与英语学习有关的课内和课外的优质培训服务,殚精竭虑地为学生搭架通往成功的桥梁。
    Working under the principle of “All for the students”, the ever strongest team not only put more efforts in ELT research but also share their dominant ELT expertise with all the students by offering the best in-class and after-class English-learning services with a view to providing the most important step-stone on their way to success.

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