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pick up sth. with the fingers
spread one's fingers

  1. 这些条纹比一个人开五指的手更宽,它的眼睛看上去冷漠得象潜望镜中的反射镜,或者迎神行列中的圣徒像。
    They were wider than a man's hand with his fingers spread and the fish's eye looked as detached as the mirrors in a periscope or as a saint in a procession.
  2. 例如,如果你开始了一个单,价格始终向上运动,然后到达一个特定位置后平仓一部分,可以是开仓金额的30%。
    For example, if you enter a long trade and the prices continue to move up, then exit a portion, say 30%, of your position after prices reach a certain point.
  3. 开头他睡得很沉,渐渐便开始翻来翻去,最后他翻到被面上,露出了他那一头麦穗样开的头发,仿佛会把被子划成破布条似的。
    At first, he slept heavily, but, by degrees, began to roll and surge in bed, until he rose above the surface, with his spiky hair looking as if it must tear the sheets to ribbons.

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