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 拔长 添加此单词到默认生词本
drawing out

  1. 病人:早上好,医生。牙伤口得挺好,没什么问题。
    Patient: Hello, Doctor. That extraction has healed very well. I had no trouble with it.
  2. 一个老人种了一棵小小的萝卜,但它太大,所以老人不动。
    An old man planted a little turnip, but it grew so big that the man couldn't pull it out.
  3. 台湾的牙医在智齿出来后只会一次一颗(如果需要);但美洲的牙医通常都在第一颗智齿时,就用X光把嘴巴里其他的智齿都找出来,然后一次完。
    The dentists in Taiwan usually extract one by one, if needed, after each wisdom tooth has been found; however, in America, the dentists usually use X-ray to find all wisdom teeth in your mouth while only one is growing and take them out at once.

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