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 报关港 [bào guān gǎng添加此单词到默认生词本
port of entry

  1. 第二天还要进报关、再上船,在时间上很仓促。
    Also harbor the next day, customs clearance, and then on board, was hasty in time.
  2. 那时, 文锦渡报关公司深拖车新兴世界从富裕国家进口的比例一路稳步下行。
    Then, the share of emerging-world imports that came from rich countries had been on a steadily declining path.
  3. 报关港的填写依照表格D—参考美国外贸统计的口和海关分类区的4位数字代码表。 例如:纽约城就填写NY1001。
    Port of Entry Use Schedule D--- Classification of U. S. Customs Districts and Ports for U. S. Foreign Trade Statistics—a four digit code i. e. New York City, NY 1001.

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