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 技术差距 添加此单词到默认生词本
technological gap

  1. 中美之间的收入差距证明了中国和工业化国家之间还有一个巨大的技术差距
    This US-China income gap is evidence that a big technological gap still exists between China and the industrialised countries.
  2. 然而,随着竞争的技术差距收窄,苹果的溢价肯定也会收窄,否则其惊人的增长速度就会放缓。
    But when the technological gap to the competition narrows, Apple's price premium must do likewise, or its terrific rate of growth will slow.
  3. 上周发布的一份联合国报告警告说,在参与“全球创新网络”的发展中国家与那些没能这么做的国家之间,存在着不断扩大的技术差距
    A UN report released last week warns of a widening technological gap between developing countries taking part in the 'global innovation network' and those failing to do so.

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