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 战争地区 添加此单词到默认生词本
[军] area of war

  1. 海军在2003年创造了历史,他们首次在活跃的战争地区使用海洋哺乳动物。
    The Navy made history in 2003 by using marine mammals for the first time in an active war zone.
  2. 而且,撇开战争地区不说,它是地球上暴力和犯罪发生最频繁的国家之一。
    And, leaving aside war zones, it is one of the most violent and crime-ridden countries on the planet.
  3. 同时,为确保优质矿产品能使用到电子制造商中,例如钽,钨和金,请不要从战争地区进货。
    It also said that it was working to ensure that minerals used in electronics manufacturing, like tantalum, tungsten and gold, do not come from war-torn regions.

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