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 心电信号 [xīn diàn xìn hào添加此单词到默认生词本
[内科] electrocardiosignal

  1. 新的生物传感器芯片可实现心电信号的远程采集
    New Biosensor Chip Picks Up Heart Signals Remotely
  2. 在该技术的介绍视频中,放置在人胸部的两个传感器可以输送读取到的心电信号
    In videos demonstrating the technology, two sensors placed on a person’s chest delivered electrocardiogram (ECG) readings.
  3. 虽然这项技术是用来采集人的心电信号的,但EPIC电位集成电路的开发商说它也可以很好的检测骨骼肌的电活动,包括控制眼睛的活动。
    Though the technology is being introduced to pick up heart signals, EPIC’s developers say it is also good at sensing the electrical activity of skeletal muscles, including those that control the eyes.

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