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 开垦荒地 添加此单词到默认生词本
land reclamation

  1. 图中为云南开远市的彝族妇女在市郊的一个小山坡上开垦荒地种植桑树。
    Ethnic Yi women hoe a field to plant mulberry on a hillside on the outskirts of Kaiyuanin, Yunan.
  2. 你们要为自己栽种公义,就能收割慈爱。 现今正是寻求耶和华的时候,你们要开垦荒地,等他临到,使公义如雨降在你们身上。
    Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
  3. 该文述评了国际上有关此方面有影响的研究以及学术争论,明确了在不通过开垦荒地扩种能源作物的前提下,生物能源的温室气体减排效应是肯定的。
    This paper reviewed the relevant articles published on authorized journals, verifying that the effect of reducing carbon emission under the precondition of not reclaiming non-arable land.

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