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 幼童 [yòu tóng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 谢林指出,幼童和恐怖分子在任何谈判中都有极大的优势,因为他们都不遵循理性。
    Schelling pointed out that toddlers and terrorists have a tremendous advantage in any negotiation because both are immune to reason.
  2. 这是两个极端的情况, 一个无助的幼童受到冷酷无情的伤害,和普通民众面对恐怖主义的英雄起义, 引起了我们的注意。
    It is these extreme cases, the callous injury of a helpless toddler and the heroic revolt of ordinary people in the face of terrorism, that capture our attention.
  3. 对于一个在地面上滚动的球而言,外力可能是球与地面之间的摩擦力或者幼童相反方向踢球产生的力。
    For a ball rolling across the floor, that outside force could be the friction between the ball and the floor, or it could be the toddler that kicks the ball in another direction.

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