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 幻彩 [huàn cǎi添加此单词到默认生词本
exotic fantasy wood
color intrigue
flocking wallpager

  1. 你在这里看到做成标本的鸟伸展着幻彩的羽翼,旁边竖立着高过人身的海产贝壳,还有从非洲的沙漠里搜刮来的木乃伊。
    Stuffed birds with brilliantly coloured plumage sat alongside seashellslarger than the human body and mummies plucked from Africa's desertsands.
  2. 再加上青濛濛的火光,照射在五颜六色的须发、衣物上,炫化出奇异的幻彩,显得无比的诡谲。
    The bluish touch light flashing on the hodgepodge of hair and clothes created a strange phantasmagoria of color, making the cave seem incomparably unique.
  3. 幻彩折射成因:利用不同色对于光线的不同反射和漫射的原理,改善肌肤的光泽,同时又不会增添油光。
    Unreal colour refracts cause of formation: Use the principle of the different colour different reflex to the light and diffusion, improve the burnish of skin, won't add glossy again at the same time.

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