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 年轮宽度 添加此单词到默认生词本
annual ring width

  1. 讨论了年轮宽度与木材强度性能和干缩性能的关系。
    Whether annual ring width markedly affects both strength properties and shrinkage properties of the wood is discussed.
  2. 受害材的边材宽度年轮宽度均小于健康材,边材率无显著差异。
    Ring width and sapwood width of diseased poplar decreased significantly than that of healthy poplar, but sapwood portion was same.
  3. 而为了测定降水量,他们则对长在低海拔地区的栎树的年轮宽度进行研究,因为这些树在雨水比较充沛的年份长得更快。
    To gauge precipitation, they looked at tree ring widths in lower-elevation oaks, which grow faster in years with higher levels of rainfall.

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