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 平开窗 [píng kāi chuāng添加此单词到默认生词本
casement window

  1. 开窗的密封胶条应可以自由更换,因为密封条比窗体的寿命要短。
    the even windowing's sealing rubber strip should be possible to replace freely, because the packing must be shorter than the window life.
  2. 特别提示一:消费者的家中能安装开窗的不要安装推拉窗,有条件最好安装上部气窗;
    a special presentation : consumer's home can not be installed in the installation Pingkaichuang Tuilachuang, conditional best installation upper windows;
  3. 揭阳市金乐五金制品厂是一家集生产、销售不锈钢开窗铰链系列、两点锁传动器为一体的厂商。
    Jinle Hardware Products Factory is a collection of production, sales, stainless steel hinge Bengkaichuang series, two lock transmission as one of the manufacturers.

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