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 尿道球 [niào dào qiú添加此单词到默认生词本
[解剖] bulbus urethrae

  1. 前列腺的护散部很发达,由精阜前方至尿道球腺后方均明显可见。
    The spreading part of the prostate was well-developed, and was clearly seenfrem the front of seminal colliculus to the back of bulbourethral glands.
  2. 用甲醛固定国人成人尸体50具,测量了前列腺、精囊腺和尿道球腺的各径和重量。
    The observations and measurements of the dimension and weight of the prostate, seminal vesicle and bulbourethral gland were made on 50 adult specimens.
  3. 在测量中发现,国人前列腺的垂直径明显小于文献报道数值,尿道球腺并非圆形,而为椭圆形。
    It was found that the height of the prostate is much smaller than that reported by others, and the bulbourethral gland's shape is also not circle, but ellipse.

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