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 小名 [xiǎo míng添加此单词到默认生词本
pet name for a child
childhood name

  1. 我们通常都叫他的小名
    We often call him by his nickname.
  2. 王皓小名“乐乐”,因为邻居家的孩子又哭又闹,王皓却见谁都乐,谁抱都乐。
    Wang Hao nickname of "happy" because the neighbor kids Youku also downtown, and find no one Wang Hao Le, who holds Dole.
  3. 黑嫂,小名黑翠,没有大名,从小父母双亡,给五福海家当童养媳妇,成人后与王家大虎成亲。
    And she, and Chui childhood name, no name, from their parents died, to five Fuhai Jiadang Tongyang Xi UNIFEM, adult and after the Royal Tiger Cheng Qin.

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