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 寓言化 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 他不以连贯的纯粹哲学系统来参与,而是详尽地解释律法里的手稿诗句,时常采用朦胧的神秘寓言化的形式。
    He was concerned not with formulating a coherent metaphysical system, but with the elaboration and interpretation of verses of scripture from the Torah, often in the form of obscure mystical allegorizations.
  2. 本文以《结婚》的审美局限为切入口,从作者对城市的价值选择、审视角度、城市形象“寓言化”几个方面探讨了乡村作家在城市叙事中的文化倾向与道德特征。
    Starting with the Marriage's limitation in appreciation of beauty, the article looks into the cultural tendency and moral characteristic in the narrations on city life written by those countryside writers, from the writer's value selection of city, his angle of view, and the implied image of city.

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