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 寄居动物 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 此工程的目的是给人一种居住在蜗牛内部的感觉,像软体动物一样从一个房间爬到另一个房间,像寄居在一座大型化石修道院里的寄生动物一样。
    The goal of this project was to make it feel like an internal inhabitant of a snail, like a mollusk moving from one chamber to another, like a symbiotic dweller of a huge fossil maternal cloister.
  2. 尽管这样命名,猴痘病毒被认为主要寄居在啮齿动物内,如松鼠和巨型袋鼠。
    Despite its name, monkeypox virus is believed to reside mainly in rodents such as squirrels and giant pouched rats.
  3. 同样,他对毕达哥拉斯学派关于灵魂转世的教条持批评的态度,并将这种教条扩展并调侃道:一个人的灵魂能够寄居在另一种动物的身体中。
    Likewise, he criticized Pythagoras' doctrine of the transmigration of souls, making fun of the idea that a human soul could inhabit another animal.

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