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overabundance of amniotic fluid

  1. 这里并没有排污系统,我们只有亲手将污水排放在房旁边的一条坑,到坑子满溢,就排放到街上。
    We do not have a sewage system so we discharge our wastewater into a pit beside the house and then into the street once it is full. We do this with our own hands.
  2. 在这场竞赛中,Google没有任何损失反而赢得盆钵丰,Google一下就启动了这个新web API的基于标准且开源的替代方案。
    In this race Google has nothing to lose but a lot to gain, and in a single shot has kick-started the standards-based and open-source alternate new web API.
  3. 另外两个是集所有的诺布偶和拥有一辈都吃不完的巧克力。
    The other two are to own every Noblet and a lifetime supply of chocolate.

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