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 女扮男装 [nǚ bàn nán zhāng添加此单词到默认生词本
a woman disguised as a man
girls dressed as boys
She disguised herself as a man.

  1. 为了观看比赛,有的妇甚至女扮男装进入赛场,有的假装外国队的支持者混进场地。
    They have also tried to go inside venues disguised as men or have sneaked in with the supporters of foreign teams.
  2. 最后那套服装带着一点搞笑哑剧男主角(女扮男装)的样子,是真的,但你可以看出来,如果这个清洁工和你握手的话,会为你带来很多的好运。
    The final costume had slight thigh-slapping principal boy notes, it is true, but you could tell this sweep would bring you a great deal of luck if she shook your hand.
  3. 他们不理解在学校吃早餐怎么可以不吃包子,或者我竟然敢与教授的意见相左,又或为何我觉得在校园舞会上男易服(女扮男装或男装)很有趣。
    Like how I don't eat steamed buns for breakfast at school. Or how I could disagree with my professor. Or why a dance party at college where everybody cross-dresses is fun.

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