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 头版新闻 [tóu bǎn xīn wén添加此单词到默认生词本
front page news

  1. 这些电子邮件在几个星期里成为了头版新闻,而且带来了关于一些气候科学家的行为以及他们保留数据的尝试的大量指控。
    The emails made front-page news for several weeks and prompted a torrent of allegations about the conduct of some climate scientists and their attempts to withhold data.
  2. 我起飞那天,我们当地的报纸刊登了一条头版新闻,陆军中尉迈克.托马斯在越南阵亡,他曾在初中学生会主席竞选中击败过我。
    The day I flew out, our local paper carried the front-page news that Army Lieutenant Mike Thomas, who had defeated me for student council president in junior high school, had been killed in Vietnam.
  3. 我们的确知道,大多数人在翻阅头版新闻时,引起消化不良。但是,我们也不清楚,如果他们开始细细地咀嚼这些新闻,他们的胃液会有何反应。
    We do know that most people get indigestion when perusing front pages. But we're not sure how their gastric juice would react if they started chewing on them.

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