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 大胜利 添加此单词到默认生词本
flying colours

  1. 只花20%的努力就解决了原来问题的80%就是一个大胜利
    Solving 80% of the original problem for 20% of the effort is a major win.
  2. 这是一个伟胜利,是中国从古未有的大胜利,也是十月革命以后一个带世界性的大胜利
    This is a great victory, a great victory without parallel in the history of China, a great victory of world significance following the October Revolution.
  3. 因为在1977年的星际战,卢卡斯鼓舞了另一项革命:特效的大胜利,适合小孩的科幻片。
    Because with Star Wars in 1977, Lucas spurred another revolution: the triumph of the special-effect, kid-friendly fantasy blockbuster.

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