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 多跨连续梁 [duō kuà lián xù liáng添加此单词到默认生词本
continuous beam on many supports

  1. 考虑阶形变化截面及不等度的情况,建立了求解多跨连续梁变形的通用方程。
    A general equation is established to calculate the deformation of continuous beams on many supports taking into consideration the stepped cross sections and unequal spans.
  2. 多跨简支T连续加固措施是多跨简支T桥加固改造、提高承载能力的行之有效的方法。
    Converting simply-support into continuous is the effectual reinforcement measure to improve ultimate bearing capacity of multi-span T shape free beam bridge.
  3. 根据哈密顿原理,提出了应用插值振型函数法,研究多跨连续梁在移动荷载作用下车桥耦合振动的动态响应问题。
    According to Hamilton Principle, the interpolating vibration mode function is proposed to study the dynamic response of vehicle-bridge coupling Vibration under the moving load.

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