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 多体动力学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] many-body dynamics

  1. 以曲轴有限元模型为基础,建立了包括活塞、连杆、飞轮和减振器皮带轮在内的三维实曲轴系统多体动力学模型。
    Based on the FEA model of crankshaft system, a multi-body dynamics model of the flexible crankshaft system of a diesel engine is established.
  2. 本文采用子结构有限元模型,在考虑流动力润滑的基础上,建立曲轴系统多体动力学数值分析模型。
    In the paper, the numerical model of the crank train has been established with the substructural finite element method and the hydrodynamics lubrication theory.
  3. 详细叙述了ADAMS软件的多体动力学分析原理,对希望从底层开发自主知识产权虚拟样机仿真软件的人员有一定的参考价值。
    Multi-body-dynamics theory about ADAMS software is discussed in detail, which may be helpful to somebody interesting in developing our VP software owned knowledge patent.

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