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 基本句 [jī běn jù添加此单词到默认生词本
elementary sentence

  1. 藉著6个磁带学习者可以重覆听述和练习语音,加上课本达到视听的功效,便能很快的掌握到基本会话301
    Set of six tapes for use with the above text to help recognize the sounds and develop accurate pronunciation.
  2. 对于长,我们基本的办法就是找连词,先拆开,然后再找介词,这样子的基本结构就可以被很好的分开。
    How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount reliability and ppropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.
  3. 另一个问题就是,一种细菌是否是人体的基本生理所必需的,换话说就是没有这些共生者人类是否会死亡。
    Another is whether a set of bacteria is essential for basic human physiology—in other words whether humans really are symbiotic creatures who would die without their collaborators.

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