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 埃里温 [āi lǐ wēn添加此单词到默认生词本
Erivan (Erevan)

  1. 土耳其总统居尔抵达亚美尼亚首都埃里温,这是土耳其国家元首第一次访问亚美尼亚。
    The Turkish President Abdullah Gul arrived in the Armenian capital Yerevan, the first time a Turkish head of state has visited the country.
  2. 参观埃里温的露天菜市场,就能发现许多关于蔬菜的话都一样(也因此,是一些誓词)。
    A visit to the open-air vegetable market in Yerevan reveals that many of the words for vegetables are the same (and so, too, are some of the swear-words).
  3. 居尔到埃里温观看一场足球赛,居尔认为这场比赛有助于结束这两个国家将近一个世纪的敌对状态,促进大高加索地区的安全。
    Mr. Gul was there to attend a soccer match he said could help end almost a century of mutual hostility and aid security in the broader Caucasus region.

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