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 圆雕 [yuán diāo添加此单词到默认生词本
circular engravure

  1. 清末,温州著名艺人朱子常应用独特的圆雕技法,创作了一批优秀作品。
    Later on, Wenzhou, the famous artists often use a unique sculpture in the round Zhu techniques, creating a number of outstanding works.
  2. 这一作品把圆雕、线雕等传统手法结合一体,既保持了岩石的自然美,又富于雕刻艺术美。
    This stone carving combined traditional relief, round cutting and line cutting skills, which retained the natural beauty of the stone yet revealed the artistic excellence of the carving.
  3. 天赋和父爱为我打开了艺术的窗棂,在祖国五年雕刻艺术的浩瀚星海中,我选择了圆雕石刻艺术。
    It was my own talent and paternal love that introduced me into the art world. Watching the twinkling stars on the Chinese carving art ocean, I finally chose the art of circular engraver.

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