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 四轮驱动 [sì lún qū dòng添加此单词到默认生词本
[车辆] four-wheel drive

  1. 但是也可以通过在前轮上安装电动机来实现四轮驱动
    But motors could be fitted to the front wheels as well to provide four-wheel drive.
  2. 我在附近转悠了一圈,想看看有没有可供汽车通行的街道,果不其然找到了一条能让四轮驱动的汽车驶出并进入主干道的线路。
    I walked around the neighborhood to see if there were any passable streets and found an exit route that a four-wheel-drive vehicle might clear to a major avenue.
  3. 简单来说,美人奴跨界敞篷车就是一款四轮驱动的美人奴跨界车,只是用自动折叠的软顶取代了金属的硬顶,而且取消了两个后方车门。
    In simple terms, the Murano CrossCabriolet is an all-wheel-drive Murano crossover in which an automatic folding fabric top replaces the metal roof, and the two rear doors have been eliminated.

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