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 吻口 [wěn kǒu添加此单词到默认生词本
[无脊椎] rhynchostome

  1. 一只蝠鲼(双蝠鲼)在靠近墨西哥海岸的加利福尼亚湾腾空飞跃。
    A leaping manta ray (Manta birostris) seems to fly above the Gulf of California off the coast of Mexico.
  2. 肌层在和咽壁发达,而在食道、胃和肠壁较薄。
    The lamina muscularis is plentiful in proboscis, mouth and pharynx but lack in esophagus, stomach and intestine.
  3. 在较老的几代女性中,深刺激乳房、与生殖器接触,是亲昵爱抚技巧中最受社会禁忌的。
    In older a few acting women, soul kiss , mouth stimulates breast, mouth and genital contact, it is intimate in caressing skill most suffer a society to abstain from.

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