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 吉尔吉斯的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 现今的吉尔吉斯人有段多元且复杂的历史,他们分别来自许多不同的地方,拥有迥异的民族背景。
    The people who live in Kyrgyzstan today have a diverse and complicated history. They are from many different places and ethnic backgrounds.
  2. 在凯亚克镇(距首都比斯凯克三百公里远)举行的冰上曲棍球赛开赛前,信奉伊斯兰教的吉尔吉斯冰上曲棍球选手们虔诚祈祷。
    Muslim Kyrgyz ice hockey players pray before the start of an ice hockey match in the small town of Chayek, 300km from Bishkek. Ice hockey is gaining in popularity in some parts of the country.
  3. 约占人口总数70%的吉尔吉斯族是这个国家的多数民族,最大的少数民族是乌兹别克族,另外还有俄罗斯族和其他的一些少数民族。
    A majority of the country is ethnically Kyrgyz, perhaps 70%, with large minorities of ethnic Uzbeks, Russians and other groups spread throughout.

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