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 各显神通 [gè xiǎn shén tōng添加此单词到默认生词本
each showing his special prowess
each trying for all one is worth

  1. 这个成语有八个字,大家一定要听清楚了。我们这里可是八仙过海,各显神通
    This idiom consists of eight characters, so we our audience must hear it clearly. Here each of us has his or her own way of dealing with the situation.
  2. 除此之外,星际、航海家、MP等中国手机浏览器亦各显神通,混得风生水起。
    Besides, the browser of Chinese mobile phone such as interstellar, navigator, MP also each shows special prowess, mix the unboiled water that get wind to rise.
  3. 不过官员们并没有公布联合应急计划,显然各国政府将继续各自为政、各显神通
    But the officials issued no joint emergency plan, and individual governments will apparently continue to go their own ways.

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