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 发电成本 添加此单词到默认生词本
generating cost

  1. 基于保证电力系统安全可靠运行与总发电成本最低等两个原则,建立了不同类型发电机组间的容量分配模型。
    Based on the principle of ensuring safe and reliable operation of the power system and minimum generating cost,the capacity assignment model for different types of generating units was established.
  2. 如果发电公司仅依据发电成本报价,在参与竞价上网时会因缺乏灵活性而造成机组被迫频繁停机和利润空间的浪费。
    If the price bidding is only based on the generation cost, the unit will be compelled to shutdown frequently and the benefit space will be lost because of lacking of flexibility in price competing.
  3. 在烟雾弥漫的智利首都圣地牙哥,电厂和工厂被迫改用会制造更多空气污染的柴油和燃油,且发电成本增至将近4倍。
    Power plants and factories in this smoggy capital were forced to switch to diesel and fuel oil, which belch more air pollution and have nearly quadrupled the cost of producing electricity.

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