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 发散速度 添加此单词到默认生词本
divergence speed

  1. 给出迭代发散的一个判定,并讨论重根情形下迭代的收敛速度和迭代加速。
    A criterion for divergence of iteration is given and the covergence speed and covergence acceleration for iteration with multiple root are investigated.
  2. 所提出的基于相对导航的多平台INS误差联合修正方法有效地减缓了编队系统的INS误差发散速度
    The joint correcting method of multi-platform INS errors based on relative navigation effectively slows down the divergence speed of INS errors of a formation system.
  3. 探讨了模态区间方法在解决不确定参数系统动力特征值问题中的应用,研究了区间方程求解的解区间的发散问题和收敛速度问题。
    Discuss the using of modal interval theory in solving the dynamic eigenvalue of uncertain parameters system. Research the divergence problem of solving interval and convergence rate problem.

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