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 反结构 [fǎn jié gòu添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] antistructure

  1. 在自然界中,它以全结构存在,并有11个碳碳共轭的双键。
    It is found primarily in the all-trans configuration in the nature, which has 11 conjugated carbon-carbon double bonds.
  2. 倾边坡是指具有结构面(即边坡的倾向与结构面的倾向相)的边坡。
    Counter-tilt slopes are those with anti-direction terranes, in other word, the slant of slope is opposite to that of the terrane.
  3. 反结构巡洋舰(即Ogrov )现在使用常规武器的逻辑修正了无数的用户界面和行为问题。
    Anti-structure cruisers (ie, Ogrov) now use regular weapons logic which fixes a myriad of user interface and behavioral problems.

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