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 反渗透纤维 [fǎn shèn tòu xiān wéi添加此单词到默认生词本
hollow fibre for reverse osmosis

  1. 本文介绍高盐度苦咸水渗透中空纤维膜的研制,主要涉及某些重要参数对纤维成型和膜性能的影响。
    This paper introduces the development of CTA hollow fiber RO menbrane for desalination of brackish water with high salinity.
  2. 单机:电渗析装置、全自动软化器、阴阳离子交换器、中空纤维超滤装置、Ro渗透装置等一系列设备。
    One-unit machines include:electrical dialyser,full-auto softening device,negative/positive ion exchanger,hollow fiber ultrafiltering device and RO anti-osmosis device.
  3. 考察了抽吸式PVDF中空纤维超滤设备对钢铁污水厂二级出水的处理效果,以及作为渗透预处理的措施。
    The effect is investigated on the use of the equipment of hollow fiber PVDF ultra filtration membrane to treat the sewage form a steel mill.

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